Marriage to a Canadian girl for immigration to Canada:

Marriage to a Canadian girl
for immigration to Canada:

It is common knowledge that the method of
marrying a citizen or citizen in the country of immigration is the fastest way
to obtain Canada’s papers as immigration and residence… So this method is considered
to be largely guaranteed and is the most widespread method among immigrant
societies, whether to Canada or other European countries in particular…

Searching for the right
Canadian wife:
Where do you find the right Canadian wife for
you, we find that the majority of young people who follow this method of
marriage resort to multiple social networking sites, marriage sites or dating
sites .. to search for a serious Canadian girl or lady (and two lines under it)
for marriage and accept In your circumstances, where you begin to get to know
them and discuss in many issues until you get used to some and the
understanding begins, it takes a soft way towards you and each party knows the
personality of the other party and all the information necessary to start a
life together and learn about the habits and way of thinking and what he likes
and what he rejects and what he hates, until the situation between you two
reaches admiration, understanding, and acceptance of Zu a J.
– We have to warn here that it is necessary to
be completely frank, especially on the part of the young man who is coming to
marry a Canadian woman, and avoid fraud, lying and evasiveness, to gain the
trust of the other party, which is the Canadian girl, since most girls in
Canada have certain conditions in a life partner, so no His religion or
nationality is important to her, but the greatest interest here is on the
husband’s personality, the understanding between them and the extent of his
ability to withstand the difficulties and his willingness to take
responsibility, and these conditions are required by the majority of Canadian
women regardless of the minority who are looking for mediation or wealth.
– Acquaintance and understanding take place,
then the relationship between them begins in the right way, which is crowning
the relationship with marriage by meeting them and holding the marriage
ceremony to travel and immigrate to Canada .. And the reason for choosing one
of the two things to be followed:

1- That the Canadian girl comes to your
country and the marriage contract is concluded amid your family, then submit
the marriage contract to the Canadian embassy in your country to obtain a
Canadian visa.

2 – That you obtain a tourist visa for Canada
or if there is the possibility of making an invitation by the Canadian girl as
a friend, and then marriage takes place in Canada, in which case you can
convert the tourist visa to a residence after submitting the marriage contract
papers to the Canadian authorities and thus your legal residence in Canada

 Obtaining immigration
papers to Canada using marriage:
Does not need work experience, and it does not
matter here to obtain prestigious certificates, only all that matters and you need
is the credibility and seriousness of the Canadian girl or the woman and the
extent of her standing by your side before and after marriage to complete the
marriage procedures and your arrival in Canada and then you get residency in
Canada and then steps to obtain Canadian citizenship (Which requires about 3
years of residence out of 4 years) Also, the wife must finish all procedures,
and it is also important to accept marriage in this way or acquaintance via the
Internet and accept the marriage and bring the husband from another country to

The marriage must be formal in the country in
which the marriage took place, meaning that it is not a formal marriage on
paper without the two parties knowing each other, as it was mentioned by illegal
profit-making institutions that grant immigrants who want to immigrate to
Canada and pay them to pay huge money in exchange for arranging formal marriage
contracts .. And perhaps the two marriages are not suitable for each other,
such as the age difference.

New immigration to Canada 2020 through the pilot program for migration to northern and rural areas of Canada

We all hear of those who marry Canadian women who
are of great age. The husband may exceed the age of the husband by twenty years
or more, so she looks like her mother, and other cases are not appropriate at

So you have to think carefully about this
issue, as the Canadian government has recently worked to confront those who
exploit marriage for immigration to Canada, so both parties must prove that
they have ties and evidence with some such as joint housing or a joint bank
account, familiarity with some families, personal interviews, and marriage
photos. And other such evidence.

322 thoughts on “Marriage to a Canadian girl for immigration to Canada:”

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  25. سلم عليكم أن مصطفى من المغرب ابحت عنا زواج الي الزواج الشرعي ان شاءالله عل سنة الله ورسوله فالحلال ان عمري 24عام ولد ألف اوتسعميا اوستؤتسعين يعي هي 1996-30-6نمرتي هي 0625747667

  26. سلم عليكم أن مصطفى عبدالله من المغرب ابحت عنا عمل والزواج من إمراة اجنبية في سنة الله ورسوله فالحلال ان شاءالله كنتمنا توصلو معيا فأقرب الوقت العاجل رقني هوا ديل الوتساب هوا 0625747667

  27. سلم عليكم أن مصطفى عبدالله اريد ازواج الشرعي من امراة اورپيا او اجنبية في سنة الله ورسوله فالحلال ان شاءالله او ابحت عنا عمل والزواج في العمل مجال الفلاحةرقمي هوا 0625747667نمر ديل الوتساب

  28. مرحبا لورا كيفك تمام انا هشام من لبنان انا ايضا تارك مرتي و عندي اولاد متلك اريد زوجة عربية و اعيش معاها في الخارج اذا ممكن التواصل معي و هيدا رقمي 0096103063780

  29. السلام عليكم ان كنتي انتي لورا اللتي في الصوره فأنا موافق وجاهز ولاكن كيف ممكن التواصل خاص لو تم اختياري ارجوا الرد


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