The highest paid jobs in Canada,
which ranks as one of the largest job search sites in Canada, has taken stock
of the highest-paid jobs in Canada, and data has been collected by average
salary per job from 2015 to February 2017 in five major cities and They are
Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton, and Calgary.
which ranks as one of the largest job search sites in Canada, has taken stock
of the highest-paid jobs in Canada, and data has been collected by average
salary per job from 2015 to February 2017 in five major cities and They are
Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton, and Calgary.
medical professions topped the wages list in four of the five cities, while the
technological professions dominated the city of Montreal where the software
engineering profession, for example, was able to obtain an annual salary of $
137,568, followed by the main manufacturing engineer with $ 109,424 and the
database administrator For $ 107,309.
medical professions topped the wages list in four of the five cities, while the
technological professions dominated the city of Montreal where the software
engineering profession, for example, was able to obtain an annual salary of $
137,568, followed by the main manufacturing engineer with $ 109,424 and the
database administrator For $ 107,309.
Toronto, jobs that require higher education top the list of wages, especially
in the medical field. For example, cardiologists receive the equivalent of $
28,7042 annually, followed by radiologists $ 265,664, then those with important
positions as vice president of business development $ 15,511
Toronto, jobs that require higher education top the list of wages, especially
in the medical field. For example, cardiologists receive the equivalent of $
28,7042 annually, followed by radiologists $ 265,664, then those with important
positions as vice president of business development $ 15,511
the doctors in Edmonton City are at the top of the list of the best wages,
followed by the frameworks that work in the field of construction, such as
building managers and site managers, as a result of the recovery of the real
estate market in this city.
the doctors in Edmonton City are at the top of the list of the best wages,
followed by the frameworks that work in the field of construction, such as
building managers and site managers, as a result of the recovery of the real
estate market in this city.
The following is a list of the highest
paid jobs in Canada for the year 2017:
paid jobs in Canada for the year 2017:
Montreal (Profession /
Average salary)
Average salary)
Software Engineer $ 137568 Ingénieur logiciel principal
Software Engineer $ 137568 Ingénieur logiciel principal
Manufacturing Engineer $ 109424 Ingénieur de fabrication principal
Manufacturing Engineer $ 109424 Ingénieur de fabrication principal
engineer $ 108 213 Architecte logiciel
engineer $ 108 213 Architecte logiciel
administrator $ 107309 Administrateur de bases de données
administrator $ 107309 Administrateur de bases de données
Affairs Manager $ 92736 Directeur, Affaires réglementaires
Affairs Manager $ 92736 Directeur, Affaires réglementaires
Director $ 89215 Directeur fiscal
Director $ 89215 Directeur fiscal
$ 88995
Développeur Ruby on Rails system developer
Développeur Ruby on Rails system developer
Operations Engineer $ 86945 Ingénieur aux activités de développement
Operations Engineer $ 86945 Ingénieur aux activités de développement
$ 86915 Architecte
$ 86915 Architecte
engineer $ 86,910 Ingénieur mécanique
engineer $ 86,910 Ingénieur mécanique
Toronto (profession /
average salary)
average salary)
$ 287042 Cardiologue
$ 287042 Cardiologue
$ 265664 Radiologue
$ 265664 Radiologue
Mubarraz $ 25,0107 Professeur agrégé
Mubarraz $ 25,0107 Professeur agrégé
$ 235,443 Oncologue
$ 235,443 Oncologue
Doctor $
191020 Médecin
191020 Médecin
President in Finance $ 169027 Vice-président, Finances
President in Finance $ 169027 Vice-président, Finances
President, Business Development $ 151511 Vice-président, Développement des
President, Business Development $ 151511 Vice-président, Développement des
Manager $ 122 144 Directeur, Comptabilité
Manager $ 122 144 Directeur, Comptabilité
Vancouver (Occupation /
Average salary)
Average salary)
Medicine Specialist $ 290444 Urgentologue
Medicine Specialist $ 290444 Urgentologue
$ 229513 Pédiatre
$ 229513 Pédiatre
President in the Financial Field 142022 $ Vice-président, Finances
President in the Financial Field 142022 $ Vice-président, Finances
engineer $ 126080 Architecte d’entreprise
engineer $ 126080 Architecte d’entreprise
Director $ 124,632 Directeur, Développement
Director $ 124,632 Directeur, Développement
of Software Engineering $ 124399 Directeur en génie logiciel
of Software Engineering $ 124399 Directeur en génie logiciel
123027 $ Avocat
123027 $ Avocat
Software Engineer $ 119355 Ingénieur logiciel principal
Software Engineer $ 119355 Ingénieur logiciel principal
Manager $ 434 117 Directeur, Approvisionnement
Manager $ 434 117 Directeur, Approvisionnement
Edmonton (Occupation /
Average salary)
Average salary)
Doctor $
236155 Médecin
236155 Médecin
Project Manager $ 124835 Chef de projet principal
Project Manager $ 124835 Chef de projet principal
of Finance 117923 $ Directeur, Finances
of Finance 117923 $ Directeur, Finances
Representative 109,505 $ Représentant commercial
Representative 109,505 $ Représentant commercial
construction manager $ 108364 Directeur de travaux de construction
construction manager $ 108364 Directeur de travaux de construction
Operating Officer $ 107,700 Chef de chantier
Operating Officer $ 107,700 Chef de chantier
engineer 104644 $ Architecte logiciel
engineer 104644 $ Architecte logiciel
manager $ 102,931 Directeur d’usine
manager $ 102,931 Directeur d’usine
Technology Director $ 96953 Directeur, Technologies de l’information
Technology Director $ 96953 Directeur, Technologies de l’information
Calgary (Occupation /
Average Salary)
Average Salary)
Doctor $
227036 Médecin
227036 Médecin
Development Manager $ 142,563 Directeur, Développement des affaires
Development Manager $ 142,563 Directeur, Développement des affaires
119,237 $ Directeur fiscal
119,237 $ Directeur fiscal
Project Manager $ 1178080 Chef de projet principal
Project Manager $ 1178080 Chef de projet principal
Representative 115086 $ Représentant commercial
Representative 115086 $ Représentant commercial
construction manager $ 113720 Directeur de travaux de construction
construction manager $ 113720 Directeur de travaux de construction
Operating Officer $ 113716 Chef de chantier
Operating Officer $ 113716 Chef de chantier
Assurance Manager $ 110830 Directeur, Assurance de la qualité…
Assurance Manager $ 110830 Directeur, Assurance de la qualité…
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My name is mounir im 23years old from in morocco
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My name is mounir im 23years old from in morocco
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